Free Dance Classes – Let’s meet up! – September 2022
August 27, 2022

Have a nice Summer!!! See you in September!!!
July 28, 2023

Oriental Intensive Training with Anna Dimitratou
SUNDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2022 (16:00 - 20:00)
The first INTENSIVE TRAINING of the year is on! On SUNDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2022, our Artistic Director Anna Dimitratou, will teach an intensive 4 hour workshop full of: theory, steps, technique, combinations and an exclusive choreography. Don't miss your chance to participate.
The workshop addresses to professional and amateur dancers, actors, and of course to all our members that participate in the “Be A Dance Professor” Program, as weel as to whoever loves to dance!
The Workshop will contain:
- Theory
- History and evolution of Oriental dance
- Different styles and costumes (explanation, notes & video projection)
- Basic Rhythms
- Technique
- Steps, basic families of Oriental movements
- Combinations
- Choreography
- Open level choreography, based on the technique taught during the workshop, on a modern pop oriental song.
- All participants will be given notes and certificates of participation.
- We remind our members that participate in the Be a Dance Professor program that workshop hours will count as double.
- The training material and especially the choreography is property of the Artistic Studio Oriental Expression and may not be taught by others without permission. In case that permission is granted, the reference to the choreographer's name is mandatory. The right to teach the choreography have only the accredited teachers of the Artistic Studio Oriental Expression.
*The workshop will be videotaped in order to be available for members and participants that cannot attend in person.*
PRICE: €40 per person (members €35)