Bellydance Masterclass November 2023

Have a nice Summer!!! See you in September!!!
July 28, 2023
Pita Party – Dance Show 2024
January 10, 2024
Have a nice Summer!!! See you in September!!!
July 28, 2023
Pita Party – Dance Show 2024
January 10, 2024

with Anna Dimitratou and Dimitris Terezakis


The first MASTERCLASS of the year is ready! On Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November, 2023, our Artistic Director Anna Dimitratou, with collaboration with the wonderful percussionist Dimitris Terezakis will teach a 6 hour master class full of: theory, steps, technique, and lots of dance. Don't miss your chance to participate!

The workshop is aimed at professional dancers and actors, as well as amateurs, and also all our members who participate in the "Be A Dance Professor" program, and everyone who loves dance!

Bellydance  Masterclass Content:

Saturday 4th, November (17:30 - 20:30)

  • Historical review of Oriental dance in the 20th and 21st centuries, with an emphasis on the last twenty years
  • Different genres and styles, costumes, notes and video view by genre.
  • Advice and tips for participating in International Dance Competitions
  • Getting familiar with the most famous Arabic rhythms

Sunday 5th, November (17:30 - 20:30)

Anna and Dimitris will teach you with tabla accompaniment:

  • How to recognize the basic Arabic rhythms and their variations.
  • Basic and complex dance movements based on the rhythms we were taught.
  • We will learn the secrets of tabla by working improvisationally.
  • Dialogue between musician and dancer on stage


  1. All participants will be given notes!
  2. A Masterclass certificate will be given to those who attend both days. For those who attend the one day, they will receive a Certificate of Participation.
  3. We remind our members who attend Oriental courses with the aim of obtaining a Dance Teacher Diploma from the International Dance Council (CID) that participation is mandatory and that the workshop hours count double!
  4. The video and printed materials of the previous intensive are available for purchase to those who wish to have a more comprehensive knowledge.
  5. The training material and especially the choreography is intellectual property of the Artistic Studio Oriental Expression and may not be taught by others without permission. In case that permission is granted, the reference to the choreographer's name is mandatory. The rights to teach the choreography have only the accredited teachers of the Artistic Studio Oriental Expression.

Two-day participation fee: €80 (for Artistic Studio Oriental Expression members €75)
Individual Saturday Workshop fee: €40
Individual Sunday Workshop fee: €50